Sunday, September 6, 2009

September Starts

My birthday was amazing minus the drama I've had with Maria. It's kinda sad how one of my best friends has totally written me off. She's been super distant lately and ditched me twice right before the party, and then showed up for 3o min yanked some liqour and left. Now apparently she's hanging out with Dan tonight. I don't get what the problem is but I'm always the one trying to do things with her and I'm kinda sick of it. I told her I'm not calling her til she calls me (mature, I know) and apparently I'm not worth much since my phone hasn't gotten a buzz from her yet.

That aside I have school now to stress about. My parents tried to get a different loan and were declined so now it's kinda crunch time to get the DePaul one since I start school this week. Needless to say I'm majorly stressed out.

I want the pictures from the party to post everywhere because it was really effing awesome. I wish every night could be like that. Back to reading Lemony and playing Wind Waker. I love that all my stuff is getting replaced.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Party Time

Tomorrow had better be super sick because the past few days sucked. Though finishing the 7th Harry Potter book was pretty epic. I think I'm going to pick up Girl, Interupted again because even though the movie is totally different everytime I see it all I wanna do is go read the book again. It's sad I probably won't end up being a psychologist anymore, I really love mental institutions.

LOL of the day was Emily retweeting something about a douchebag claiming not to have a social life due to school.

I didn't know going to school stopped someone from smoking weed alone in their room all night and shit talking their "friends" (or rather lack-there-of).